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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1558
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2023 .16 .7149
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 16،
number In Volume 9،
issue Number 91
The stylistics of Seyyed Hassan Ghaznavi's poems
Peyman Memarzadeh (Author in Charge), Sedigheh Daneshvar
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: One of the most important contexts in style is the issue of structure and linguistic, literary and intellectual characteristics of a work. Seyed Hasan Ghaznavi is one of the poets of the 6th century. The main goal of the authors of this research is to investigate the stylistic features and techniques of this poet in three linguistic, literary and intellectual levels so that the most important stylistic features of this poet are taken into consideration.
METHODOLOGY: The information related to this research has been provided using the library method and the descriptive-analytical method, while paying attention to the statistical aspect and the frequency table has been drawn.
FINDINGS: The findings show that at the linguistic level, Seyyed Hassan Ghaznavi"s language is simple, without ambiguity and complexity, and he used weights, rhymes, and melodious lines. At the literary level, we can point to the poet"s skill in using all kinds of images, especially similes, and all kinds of literary techniques, especially proportion. At the intellectual level, one can observe the poet"s tendency towards love, praise, praise of God and praise of religious saints, advice, mysticism, and reflection of social and historical issues.
CONCLUSION: The result of examining the style of Hasan Ghaznavi"s divan shows that the poet has been very successful in the three levels of language, literature and thought. More than half of Seyyed Hasan Ghaznavi"s divan is devoted to odes; Therefore, he can be considered an ode poet.
, Seyyed Hassan Ghaznavi
, language features
, literary level
, intellectual features.
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